Report on the First Global 5G Event in Beijing
5GMF Secretariat, June 2016
The first Global 5G Event was held in Beijing, China from May 31 to June 1, which was organized by global 5G promotion organizations and hosted by the IMT-2020 (5G) PG. There were presentations and panel discussions at the event on the theme of “Building 5G Technology Ecosystem”.

First Global 5G Event
Date: May 31 – June 1, 2016 (Wednesday, Thursday)
Location: Friendship Palace, Beijing Friendship Hotel (China)
Participants: About 500 experts over two days representing governments, telecommunication firms, device makers, universities, research institutes participated
– Mr. Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China, gave the opening speech.
– Reports were given on the latest results of research into 5G technology, standards activities, frequency use, verification trials, and applications.
– A presentation was given, with the participation of Volvo which provided the perspective of the automotive vertical sector, on the key technologies needed to realize self-driving cars per Vision 2020 for 5G.
– From Japan, Mr. Yuji Nakamura (Director, New-Generation Mobile Communications Office, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, MIC), representing the government of Japan, provided some welcome remarks, 5GMF Chairman Dr. Susumu Yoshida (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) gave a keynote speech, 5GMF Strategy and Planning Committee Deputy Chairman Mr. Takehiro Nakamura (NTT DOCOMO) gave a presentation entitled “5G Deployment in 2020 and Beyond,” and 5GMF Secretary-General Dr. Kohei Satoh served as the moderator of a panel discussion on 5G network and operations.
– It was announced that the 2nd Global 5G Event is held by sponsorship of 5G PPP in Rome on November 9-10 2016.