We are pleased to announce the release of the fourth monthly report (January) of Dr. Hendrik Berndt’s 5G System Activities in Europe.
The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) requested that Dr. Berndt compile this report. Dr. Berndt resides in Germany and for over 10 years has worked at DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH as its CTO/CSO. He also has, among other distinguished positions throughout his career, overseen several EU R&D projects. Dr. Berndt is the elected Vice-chair of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) for Europe, Middle East and Africa.
The 5GMF, following its mission to provide useful information to its members, has decided to release a monthly summary of Dr. Berndt’s survey of 5G system activities in Europe.
A member’s ID and password is required to read this report. Thank you for your continued support of the 5GMF.
5G systems activities in Europe (05. January 2017)
1. European Radio Spectrum Policy Group’s strategic roadmap for 5G
Key words: appropriate frequency bands for 5G, public consultation results from a wide industry community, technical and regulatory conditions for 5G, international regulatory framework kept unchanged
2. Sweden acts as strong player in 5G
Key words: Telenor and Tele2 collaboration, 5G nationwide network agreement, Telia and Ericsson’s partnership, completion of outdoor tests on the first 5G trial system in Europe
3. New Steering Board elected for European Technology Platform Networld2020
Key words: official separation of 5G infrastructure Association and Networld2020, election of a new Networld20200 Steering Board
4. 5G Phase 2: European research project proposal deadline passed
Key words: leverage work and results of phase 1, validation activity, joint Working Groups, Networking Beyond 5G
5. The Advance of mmWave Technology
Key words: Millimeter wave communication, 5G PPP mmMAGIC project participates in US NSF research coordination network
6. Upcoming 5G events, organized by 5GPPP or taking place in Europe
Key words: EuCNC 2017, Mobile World Congress 2017, European Project mmMAGIC’s 2nd International Workshop on mmW5G, The 3rd Global 5G event, International Workshop on 5G Architecture, IEEE 5G Dresden Summit 2017