Taiwan Japan 5G-era Smart Phone Apps Development Trends Workshop
Organizers: Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) and ARIB
Support: The Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Forum(5GMF)
Date: October 31, 2017 1:30 PM – 5 PM
Location: International Conference Hall, Chinese Culture University Arts & Performing Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Participants: About 100 (with simultaneous Japanese-Chinese interpretation)

Due to better understanding and promoting services and applications utilizing the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Network (5G), ARIB and TAICS held the workshop in Taipei, Taiwan. The workshop was targeted at individual users, communications firms, and equipment vendors.Participants from Japan included specialists from the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC).
Experts from industry and government officials came together at this workshop. 5G-related governmental activities and the results of a Japan-Taiwan research project about smartphones are reported.
In panel discussion, the audience and panel members engaged in a lively Q and A session.
(right) Shigeki Moriyama, Executive Director, ARIB
Opening Remarks
Hao-chu Lin, Senior Specialist, Department of Industrial Technology, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs
Shigeki Moriyama, Executive Director, ARIB
Session1: Activities for 5G in Japan
1. Yasuyuki Kobashi, MIC, Japan
Title: 5G Initiatives in Japan
Summary: Abstract of MIC’s activities for 5G (background, capability, field trial, etc.)
2. Gota Iwanami, CEO, Infocity / Chairman, Application Committee, 5GMF
Title: Activity Status of 5GMF
Summary: Activity on 5GMF Application Committee and Report on Future Mobile Market in Japan
3. Hitoshi Uchida, CEO, IdeaFront
Title: Mobile usage trend of citizens in Japan and Taiwan
Summary: Research analysis on the use case of smartphone
4. Kanji Ohnishi, SONY / Application Committee, 5GMF
Title: Broadband IoT with advanced image sensing beyond the human eye
Summary: Advanced image sensing technology trend, Application Development towards 5G
Session2: Activities for 5G in Taiwan
5. Dong Yang Hsu, Taiwan 5GO, DoIT, MoEA
Title:Overview of Taiwan 5G Program under MOEA
Summary: Taiwan government’s activities for 5G (government policy, frequency allocation plan, schedule, etc.)
6. Meiling Chen, International Economics and Knowledge Center(IEK), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Title: Opportunities for 5G Mobile Communication
Summary: analysis of mobile business for 5G (global trend of 5G trial, result of user trend survey, prospective services scenario, etc.)
7. Yuan Kuang Tu, President, Mobile Business Group, Chungwa Telecom
Title: Overview of new smartphone application in 5G Era
Summary: Prospect of future smartphone application for 5G (application and technology, progress of input / output / recognizing technology, wearable device and sensor, etc.)
Panel Discussion
Theme: How will 5G smartphone applications change our daily lives?
Moderator: Sheng-Lin Chou (Secretary General, TAICS)
Panelists: Yasuyuki Kobashi (MIC) Gota Iwanami (5GMF) Hitoshi Uchida (5GMF),Kanji Ohnishi (5GMF), Meiling Chen (ITRI)
Presentation: Kanji Ohnishi: Progress in imaging technology
(beyond the range of the human eye such as ISO 40000, 4k/8k→32k/64k,Dynamic Range 120dB)
Panelists answered the following questions from the audience
– What are advantage of 5G for industry?
– What kind of examples does ASP provide on B2B2X model?
– Can Taiwanese operators participate in the MIC integrated verification trials?
– What are the expected use cases for the utilization of ultra-low latency?