We are pleased to announce the release of the 21st monthly report (June) of Dr. Hendrik Berndt’s 5G System Activities in Europe.

The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) requested that Dr. Berndt compile this report. Dr. Berndt resides in Germany and for over 10 years has worked at DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH as its CTO/CSO. He also has, among other distinguished positions throughout his career, overseen several EU R&D projects. Dr. Berndt is the elected Vice-chair of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

The 5GMF, following its mission to provide useful information to its members, has decided to release a monthly summary of Dr. Berndt’s survey of 5G system activities in Europe.

A member’s ID and password is required to read this report. Thank you for your continued support of the 5GMF.

5G systems activities in Europe (05. June 2018)



1. Nordic Prime Ministers unite to prioritize 5G and digitalization
Key words: Nordic-Baltic ministerial declaration “Digital North”, two-day summit “5G in the Nordics”, Nordic action plan

2. 5G Pan-European Trial Roadmap Version 3.0 just released
Key words: expansion of commercial trials and demonstrations, main objective of the roadmap, 5G PPP Phase 3 projects for large-scale end-to-end validation, member states level activities, European 5G observatory, 5G pioneer award

3. 5G IA Cooperation Agreement on 5G for public safety stakeholders
Key words: PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief), growing focus area in the digital economy, key role in the next decade

4. Nokia and SFR make first 5G NR call in France over 3.5GHz
Key words: Over-the-air test of 3GPP-compliant 5G NR, 3GPP-compliant end user test devices, Nokia 5G NR systems

5. 5TONIC Lab recognized as Digital Innovation Hub by the European Union
Key words: first 5G research laboratory in Spain, 5TONIC’S mission as one-stop-shop hub for 5G

6. Hungarian Prime Minister and Ericsson CEO open new Hungary headquarters as main partners in development of 5G
Key words: strategic partnership with Budapest University, Ericsson Hungary, Ericsson House R&D center

7. Trust models: are they useful for 5G?
Key words: vast increase in the number of devices, increase of opportunities to break into the network, trustworthiness measure of a set of entities

8. Upcoming 5G events, organized by 5GPPP or taking place in Europe
Key words: 5G Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications Conference, 5G-XHaul final demonstration day, 5G PPP @Workshop on 5G Networks Security, 5G Advanced: The Next Evolution Step of 5G New Radio, 5GCAR Summer School, EuCNC’18, 2nd Workshop on business models and techno-economic analysis for 5G networks, Reality check for Connected Autonomous Driving, 3rd Workshop on 5G Network Management and QoS, 4th Workshop on Software Network, The 2018 edition of ETSI Security Week, 5G-XCast @ IEEE 5G World Forum’18