5G International Symposium 2019

“5G transforming People, Things and Society”
DATE: 29th-30th January 2019
TIME: 09:30-17:00 (both days)
PLACE: Tokyo International Exchange Center Plaza Heisei (Odaiba, Tokyo)
(The exhibitions will be open for two days, but the sessions will be held from the afternoon of the first day.)

Hosted by: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan (MIC)
Co-hosted by: The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF),
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Japan (ARIB)
Supported by Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC)

MIC, in cooperation with 5GMF and ARIB, will host the 5G International Symposium – “5G transforming People, Things and Society”- to capture transformation that 5G gives to our lives and society.

The symposium will discuss the latest achievements of 5G Field Trials* promoted by MIC from the last fiscal year, and 5G exhibition & demonstrations will be open in the same venue for visitors to experience the world of 5G.

In the conference, presentations and panel discussions by experts from 5G utilization industries will provide perspectives in terms of the impact of 5G as the ICT infrastructure in future IoT, as well as discuss the environment and challenges to accelerate 5G development.

*FY2017 http://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_news/s-news/01kiban14_02000297.html
*FY2018 http://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_news/s-news/01kiban14_02000347.html

In addition, the live streaming is planned at the following site;

URL: https://5g.bitmedia.ne.jp/movie/en/

– Schedule –

Tuesday,January 29
13:00 – 13:20 JST:Opening and Keynote Speech (Japanese only)
13:25 – 17:00 JST:Session1: Regional revitalization and partners collaboration (Japanese only)
Wednesday, January 30
10:00 – 12:30 JST:Session 2: Achievement of 5G Field Trials (Japanese, English, Chinese)
13:30 – 16:50 JST:Session 3: International Deployment of 5G (Japanese only)

And later on, the video “Part 2: 5G General Verification Experiment Presentation” will be delivered with multilingual subtitles.

This website will provide information update regarding the event.


Day 1 – 29th January

13:00 – 13:20 Opening and Keynote Speech
13:25 – 17:00 Session 1: Regional revitalization and partners collaboration (tentative title)
– This session will provide presentation and discussions of the latest achievements of 5G Field Trials.

*The 5G exhibitions will be open from the morning.

Day 2 – 30th January

10:00 – 12:30  Session 2 : Achievement of 5G Field Trials (tentative title)
– This session will provide presentation and discussions of the latest achievements of 5G Field Trials.
13:30 – 16:50  Session 3 : International Deployment of 5G (tentative title)
– This session will provide a brief presentation and panel discussions on the realization of sustainable global 5G ecosystem.

*The 5G Exhibitions will be open in parallel to the conference.


Registration is required in advance. If you wish to participate, please access the URL below and submit through the registration form.

Registration website: https://frm.f2ff.jp/form/5g2019/

Report of 5G International Symposium 2018

You can access the report of the last year’s symposium from following URL.



For further information please contact the 5GMF Secretariat.
Mail: contacts_atmark_5gmf.jp (please replace “_atmark_” with “@”)
Web: http://5gmf.jp/