We are pleased to announce the release of the Dr. Hendrik Berndt’s Beyond 5G Activities in Europe.

The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) requested Dr. Berndt to compile this report. Dr. Berndt resides in Germany and for over 10 years has worked at DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH as its CTO/CSO. He also has, among other distinguished positions throughout his career, overseen several EU R&D projects. Dr. Berndt is the elected Vice-chair of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) for Europe, Middle East and Africa

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Beyond 5G Activities in Europe (19. March 2021)


1. European Commission adopted first strategic plan for Horizon Europe
2. Status update of European Partnership on Smart Networks and Services
3. On B5G accepted research areas
4. Global Center of Excellence: 6G Innovation Center in Surrey, UK
5. 6G Reality? – Doubtful – Ericsson’s Hot Consumer Trends 2030
6. Upcoming B5G events in Europe