5GMF White Paper “Cybersecurity in 5G Use Cases” Ver.1.0 (English Edition) were published.

5GMF published “5GMF White Paper “Cybersecurity in 5G Use Cases” Ver.1.0 (English Edition)” on 5GMF Homepage.

In July 29, 2020, 5GMF has published this white paper (Japanese edition).

This white paper provided an overview of the activities of the 5GMF Security Study Committee.

This white paper was organized around three specific use cases: 1) IoT, 2) Connected Vehicles, and 3) FinTech, and the wide range of known security issues, from the point of view of 5G security.

This white paper is its English Edition.

5GMF White Paper
“Cybersecurity in 5G Use Cases”
Ver.1.0 (English Edition)
(August 4,2021)

These Documents are available on 5GMF Homepage.