
We are pleased to announce the release of English version of 5GMF White Paper “5G Enhancement with Millimeter Wave Deployment Ver.1.0”.

5GMF published Japanese version of this white paper on March 31, 2023. 5GMF Millimeter Wave Promotion Ad Hoc summarized development status, challenges, technologies, use cases, solutions, etc., associated with 5G millimeter wave for Japan as well as overseas in this white paper. We hope that it will be used to help dissemination of millimeter wave in both Japan and overseas for building the ecosystem.

Overview of the 26th ITS World Conference

The 26th ITS World Conference was held from Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25, 2019 at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre in Singapore. It was supported by the Land Transport Authority of Singapore and ITS Singapore. Experts who are working on issues related to ITS from around the world, including government officials, attended presentations and demonstrations related to the conference topic, Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities.